


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements for Federal 金融援助 Recipients


The Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended 和 final regulations set by the United 状态s Department of Education (34CFR668.16)要求高等教育机构建立合理的令人满意的学业进步标准,作为继续获得联邦援助计划资格的条件. Financial aid recipients are expected to make reasonable progress as a condition of receiving 和 continuing to receive student financial aid. Student progress is assessed according to both qualitative 和 quantitative measures. The qualitative measure (Grade Point Average-GPA) is very similar to the Academic Progress st和ard applied to all XU students. 定量测量, 即学生的“进度”(成功完成的学分数和最大时间框架)用于监控完成学位的进度. 当这些措施被应用时, federal regulations require that the student’s entire academic history is considered. This includes semesters or terms during which the student did not receive student financial aid. 大学制定了这项政策,以提供一个框架,根据联邦和机构的要求,监测和确定学生的学业进展是否令人满意. 这项政策适用于所有新人, 转移, 返回, 重新入学并转学(以获得资助为目的), 以及e世博esball大学的在读学生.  The progress st和ards are reviewed once a year at the end of the Spring semester, 适用于所有学生,无论学生是否接受第四章联邦援助.


所有学期都将在SAP审查过程中考虑,包括所有接受并转移到e世博esball大学的学分,以便做出令人满意的进度决定, 无论学生在某一学期是否获得资助. 学生 not meeting SAP will be notified of their SAP status at the end of each semester.


学生 are expected to complete the requirements for a degree within a reasonable time frame. 本科s pursuing a degree are allowed to attempt up to 150% of the published length of their academic program. 例如, 第一次本科学习的学生必须在192个尝试学时内完成要求(对于超过128学时的学术课程,必须完成时间更长)。. This includes both Xavier University attempted hours 和 hours 转移red from other institutions that apply toward the student’s degree, 根据学校的转学政策.

本科 students must make incremental progress toward their degree based on the number of hours attempted; therefore, a minimum percentage of XU hours attempted must be completed at each interval. 学生还必须完成学位要求(基于他们的学位尝试或同一级别的第二个学位尝试)和SAP政策中概述的相关最大时间框架限制. To meet this st和ard, students must complete the required hours attempted. 详见以下“满意学业进展(进度)表”.


Title IV recipients use a scale that culminates in the graduation requirement in order to maintain satisfactory academic progress. The following chart below is used to determine if 定性标准 are being maintained for continued financial aid eligibility.

请注意: 信的成绩 w和i用于计算尝试时数(Pace/定性时数).


Fulltime (12+ hours per semester) students will be allowed six academic years in which to complete a degree. Part-time students will be considered on a pro rata basis equivalent to the requirements of full-time students. 学生在加/退期结束后的第一天注册的学时数将是用于确定全职或兼职状态的官方学时数. Full-time students who drop below 12 semester hours following this date will still be considered full-time students for financial aid eligibility. 获得经济援助资格的令人满意的学术进展要求学生完成(获得)学期学分与学生在退学/增加期结束时注册(尝试)学期学分的比例遵守以下准则:


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均绩点
0 - 29    67% 1.7
30 - 60 67% 1.8
61岁及以上   67% 2.0


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均成绩要求
9小时及以上 75% 2.0


小时尝试 PACE(所需小时数百分比) 最低平均成绩要求
3-42小时及以上 75% 3.0


Hours attempted 和 hours completed in summer school will be included in calculation of eligibility.

当然取款, 补习课程和未完成的课程被计入学业进展政策的量化(PACE)衡量的尝试时数. 




转校生必须以至少2分的成绩注册e世博esball大学.平均绩点为0才有资格获得联邦财政援助. A 转移 student is one who has not attended Xavier prior to 转移ring into the University.  如果能够证明他们能够在一个学期内达到GPA要求,那么第一次被e世博esball大学录取的学生可能有资格获得符合条件的联邦学生财政援助警告. This documentation will come from the students Transfer Counselor in 招生. 如果学生在一个学期内不能见面, then he/she must submit an appeal to the Office of 学生学业成就 to have their eligibility considered for reinstatement. 

对于那些可能有资格获得经济援助警告期的学生, 在下一个付款期, the student must meet all SAP eligibility components or the student will lose his/her eligibility for financial aid.  未达到联邦完成比例要求或已达到总尝试时数限制的学生必须提交SAP申诉表,以考虑其恢复资格.


在评估期间未能达到一项或多项定性或定量标准并随后通过上诉程序获得批准的学生可以在试用的基础上继续获得经济援助. 在试用期的一个付款期结束时,“学生必须自己达到最低的SAP标准才能继续获得经济援助,或者满足他/她的学术计划的要求才能有资格获得进一步的资金. 当一个学生处于“试用期”时,学生可能需要满足学生学业成功办公室制定的“学业计划”下的特定条款和条件, 比如减少课程负担, 参加特定的课程, 参加由SAP申诉委员会推荐的咨询会议,或在每学期结束时达到指定的GPA和学分/尝试学时比例. If a student placed on an Academic Plan fails to meet the plan’s requirements at the end of each term on probation, 该学生将失去获得经济援助的资格,并将被要求提交一份经济援助上诉,以便在下一个入学学期/学期恢复考虑.


A、B、C、D或P级被认为是满意的. 所有其他等级,如W, I


根据本政策中概述的规定,经济援助资格被暂停的学生有权提交上诉,解释和记录他们的减轻情节. 减轻情节的定义是改变成绩或专业, 严重疾病或受伤, 家庭成员死亡, 或者类似的创伤性事件. All appeals must be accompanied by supporting documentation (grade or major change forms, 医生的声明(s), 死亡证明, 等),以重新获得资格. An appeal will be denied if sufficient documentation is not submitted with the appeal. 上诉不能以学生的陈述为依据 需要 为资金而不是 缺乏知识 获得经济援助的资格岌岌可危. 上诉必须解释为什么学生没有取得令人满意的进步,以及他/她的情况发生了什么变化,使学生能够在下一次评估中满足要求. The appeal must be submitted in writing within six weeks of notification of ineligibility. 提出上诉的学生必须使用已出版的 学业进展满意(SAP)申诉表格. Appeals are approved for current or subsequent semesters only; appeals cannot be for prior semesters. 学生 are limited to a maximum of two (2) financial aid appeals per degree attempt. Direct questions regarding the appeals process should be directed to the Appeal Committee via email at Appeals committee will begin reviewing completed appeals provided all the necessary documents have been submitted July 1st.  委员会的决定将通过电子邮件通知学生. 

The Committee will not review Appeal 形式 that are incomplete 和/or lacking the required verification. 完成的 SAP上诉表格 和 支持文件应通过电子邮件发送至

Filing an appeal does not guarantee 金融援助 or Academic reinstatement.


学生 can regain eligibility for Federal 金融援助 by meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) criteria on their own merit.  学生必须达到可接受的平均绩点, 和/or progression to get back into compliance with Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).


Q. 什么 令人满意的学业进展(SAP)?
A. 令人满意的学业进步(SAP)是对学生的学术历史的评估,以确定是否有资格获得联邦学生援助(FSA)资金. 学生 must make satisfactory academic progress in an eligible curriculum as a degree seeking student. 在这个过程中,学生的整个学术历史都会被审查,无论学生是否获得了课程工作或学分的资助, 不管工作是转移到e世博esball大学还是转向专业, or regardless to how long ago the courses were attempted at Xavier or another school.

Q. 为什么你需要评估学业进步满意度(SAP)?
A. 令人满意的学术进步(SAP)是为了确保学生能够及时完成他们的学术课程,同时达到最低的学术标准. In an age of increasing accountability of the use of Federal Student 援助 funds (和 other Federal, 状态, 及机构基金), 机构和学生必须证明财政援助资金被用于帮助学生以最有效的方式完成学业目标.

Q. 如果我不符合SAP,我还能申请学生贷款吗?
A. When a student does not meet SAP that student cannot receive any type of Federal Student 援助, 包括联邦拨款, 联邦直接贷款, 或联邦勤工俭学. 学生可以, 然而, 透过自己选择的贷款机构申请私人贷款, 不需要SAP的. Private 贷款 differ from 联邦直接贷款 in that the lender will check the student's credit history 和 may require a co-signer.